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Binary and binary search trees


Binary trees are another powerful data structure that can be used to store a collection of data. It allows for smaller memory allocation without requiring the element shifts for insertion and deletion operations. It has an efficient time complixity to search an item within the tree.

Suppose we have a basic calss containing a single value its left and right point to None:

class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
a = ListNode( 4 )
When we call the ListNode class with a data point 4, we get something like the following figure. A single node with two arrows pointing to left and right nodes. Since this is the first node of our tree data structure, it is typically called the root of the tree, and from here, we create branches for the tree.

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The left and right arrows are pointing at None, meaning that there is no other nodes in our data structure because this is a single node and we can create two more nodes and assign them to left and right pointers.

b = ListNode( 3 )
c = ListNode( 23 )
a.left = b
a.right = c
This is how the nodes will look like. The node 3 and 23 are added to the left and right branches. Nodes 3 and 23 both have left and right branches pointing toards Non, since there is no other node that is connected to the data structure.

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Lets create some more nodes and attach them to the node 3 and node 23.

d = ListNode ( 12 )
e = ListNode ( 12 )
f = ListNode ( 12 )
g = ListNode ( 12 )
# We connect node b to d and e. 
# We also connect node c to f and g as left and right pointers
b.left = d
b.right = e
c.left = f
c.right = g
The tree data structure will look the following figure. The last nodes in the tree data structure is typically called the leaf node which is represeted using leaf shapes in the figure.

App Screenshot And this is how a tree data structure is built. For the rest of this document, we design a binary search tree data structure that supports insert, contain, minimum methods. We will also describe the concepts of tree traversals methods.


The insert method will add a new data point to the tree structure depending on its value. The property of the binary search tree is that left node should be smaller than main node and the main node should be smaller than the right node. And this should be true in the entire tree data structure. If there is a duplicate value, the method will return False. Otherwise, the method will go left and right untill it finds right spot for the new number to be added.

def insert(self, data):
    # create the new node
    new_node = ListNode(data)
    # check if root is empty
    if self.root is None:
        # if root is empty, make the root equal to new node
        self.root = new_node
    # create a temp node equal to the root
    temp = self.root
    # Loop over the nodes. If data is smaller than the node, go left, otherwise go right.
    while temp:
        # If data is equal to the node return False
        if == data:
            return False
        # If data is smaller than the node, check if it is None.
        # If None, make it equal to new node, else go left.
        if data <
            if temp.left is None:
                temp.left = new_node
            temp = temp.left
        # If data is bigger than the node, check if it is None.
        # If None, make it equal to new node, else go right.
            if temp.right is None:
                temp.right = new_node
            temp = temp.right


The contain method searches the binary search tree data structure and returns True if the element with value data exists in our tree structure. If it doesn't exist, it will return False. It uses the property of binary search tree and moves left and right in the tree until it reaches the leaf node. If it sees the data in the tree, it returns True, otherwise, it returns False.

def contain(self, data):
    # create a temp node equal to the root
    temp = self.root
    # loop over the nodes
    while temp:
        # if data is equal to the node, return true
        if == data:
            return True
        # if data is smaller than the node, go left. Otherwise go right.
        if data <
            temp = temp.left
            temp = temp.right
    # return False if no node is equal to the data
    return False

minimum value

Minimum value method takes a node in the binary search tree and return the smallest element within that sub-tree. If we start from the root node, it returns the smallest element within the entire tree. It is a simple method which goes to the left nodes until the leaf nodes is reached. Then the leaf node at the farthest left is returned.

def min_value_node(cur_node):
    # minimum node is the node the bottom left of the tree.
    # So go left until it is None.
    while cur_node.left is not None:
        cur_node = cur_node.left
    return cur_node

Tree traversals

1. Breath first search (BFS)

def BFS(self):
    # initiate a list for result and one for the queue
    results = []
    queue = []
    # check if root is empty
    if self.root is None:
        return results
    # append the root to the queue
    # loop until there is a node in the queue
    while queue:
        # remove the first element
        new_node = queue.pop(0)
        # add its value to the results
        # if left node is not none, add that to the queue
        if new_node.left is not None:
        # if the right node is not None, add that to the queue as well
        if new_node.right is not None:
    # return the results list
    return results

2. Depth first search (DFS) pre-order

#### 3. Depth first search (DFS) post-order


4. Depth first search (DFS) in-order

Examples problems with binary tree

1. Example 1

Solution Code

2.Example 2

Solution Code

3. Example 3

Solution Code

4. Example 4

Solution Code

5. Example 5

Solution Code

Next Steps

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