Kubeflow notebook

Kubeflow installation comes with a way to run web-based development environments inside Pods. It currently supports JupyterLab, RStudio, and Visual Studio Code (code server). The Kubeflow installation comes with a number of container images, but custom docker images for specific working environments can be created. We can get one of the base images publicly available and extend it for our use case. This process is described in the following three steps:

  • Create a new container image by extending the base image and installing new libraries that are typically used by your teams. The following docker file takes a base image and installs TensorFlow datasets, Scikit Learn, and pandas libraries.
FROM public.ecr.aws/j1r0q0g6/notebooks/notebook-servers/jupyter:v1.5.0

USER root

RUN pip3 install tensorflow-datasets==2.1.0 \
                 scikit-learn==1.1.0 \
  • Login to ECR to push a new notebook image.
ACCOUNT=<AWS account ID>
aws ecr get-login-password - region $REGION | docker login - username AWS - password-stdin $ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$REGION.amazonaws.com
  • Build and push the docker image to ECR
REPOSITORY=<your repository name>
docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG .
docker push $ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$REGION.amazonaws.com/$REPOSITORY:$IMAGE_TAG

Once we have an extended Jupiter image, we can always import it when initializing a new Jupiter server, as shown below.
